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Images and X-rays Available Online

View, download, and share your medical images

Veteran checking X-ray on tabletX-rays, Mammograms, CT scans, and MRIs can be viewed in My HealtheVet's feature, VA Medical Images and Reports. Veteran patients can view and download many of their medical images and reports online. They can be downloaded and then shared with their doctors inside and out of the VA health care system.

The VA Medical Images and Reports feature is a way to access your information online, instead of traveling to a VA facility to pick up copies of images and reports in-person.

Sign in to access your medical records

In 2025, you'll need to use a or account to sign in to My HealtheVet and other VA tools. 

Sign in or create an account

You must be a VA patient to access some parts of your VA health record. If you’re not enrolled in VA health care, you can apply now. 

Learn how to apply for VA health care

Review your VA Medical Images and Reports

To review your VA medical images and reports, first sign in to My HealtheVet. Then follow these steps:

  1. Select Health Records on the My HealtheVet home page screen

  2. Select VA Medical Images and Reports

  3. Select Check Updates

  4. Select View Report to view or download a PDF copy of the Radiology Report for the desired study

  5. Select the Request Images link for the study you want

    • When you request a study, you can also update your profile to receive an email notification when your request is ready

  6. Not all study images are available. If the study images are not available, you can still access the Report by selecting the View Report link

View, download, and share your Medical Images and Reports

  • View your Images and Report: You can view thumbnail images online and view or download a copy of your Radiology Report

  • Download your DICOM Images: You can also download a zip file that includes a copy of your diagnostic quality images (DICOM Images) along with the Radiology Report by selecting the Download link. If you wish to view the DICOM images you can also opt to select and install a free DICOM Image Viewer. Some suggested viewers are listed in the VA Medical Images and Reports User Guide

  • Share: You can share these DICOM images with a provider by downloading them to a CD, DVD, USB flash drive, personal subscription service (such as iCloud or DropBox), or any portable drive

What are Veterans saying?

The VA Medical Images and Reports feature was first introduced at several VA Medical Centers since August 2017 to collect feedback from Veterans. Quite a few Veterans had good things to say about it:

"This is awesome if I ever need to share the images and reports with other providers in the future. Thank you so much for providing this for us!"

Another Veteran told us "I downloaded a free version of viewing software and had crystal clear images. I am so glad this feature is available so I could show my X-rays to my husband."

If you have questions

  • Visit and select 'Contact' in the upper right corner,

  • Call the My HealtheVet Help Desk at 1-877-327-0022 or 800-877-8339 (TTY), Monday - Friday, 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. (Central Time), or

  • Contact the My HealtheVet Coordinator at your local VA Medical Center.

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