Sign in or create an account
Sign in or create an account to manage your health care online. And prepare for sign-in changes in 2025.
Sign in to My HealtheVet now
The best way to sign in to manage your health care is through our main sign-in page. After you sign in, we'll bring you back here to My HealtheVet.
Create a or account
Starting in 2025, you'll need to use a or account to sign in. After March 4, 2025, we'll remove the My HealtheVet user ID and password sign-in option. We'll also require multifactor authentication (MFA) as an added layer of protection for your account. If you don't have a or account, create one and set up MFA now.
Learn how to create a or account
Note: Don't worry. My HealtheVet isn't going away. We're just changing the way you sign in. We're doing this to reduce the number of sign-in options Veterans need to choose from—and to protect all Veterans' information and benefits.
Other ways to sign in to My HealtheVet through March 4, 2025
You may be able to use these other options to sign in through March 4, 2025. After that time, you'll need to sign in through our main VA sign-in page.
If you currently have a My HealtheVet user ID and password, you can use it to sign in to this My HealtheVet website only. You'll only be able to access tools on this site.
If you want to do things like schedule an appointment or submit a claim for travel reimbursement, you'll need to sign in through with an identity-verified account.
If you choose to sign in with your My HealtheVet user ID and password, you must have a My HealtheVet Premium account.
Need Help?
Forgot Your My HealtheVet User ID (Continue to My HealtheVet Only)
Forgot Your My HealtheVet Password (Continue to My HealtheVet Only) - Access the help center at's Support Center - Go to the help center at's Help Center
DS Logon - Call the DMDC Support Office at 800-538-9552
My HealtheVet - Contact the My HealtheVet Help Desk at 877-327-0022 or 800-877-8339 (TTY), Monday to Friday, 7:00 a.m.—7:00 p.m. (Central Time)