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6 Healthy Eating Habits to Start This Year

Start feeling healthier with these 6 tips

As we start a new year, it's a great time to think about setting new health goals. And 6 simple eating habits can help you start to live a healthier life. To get started, choose 1 healthy habit to focus on each month. Whether it's skipping takeout once a week or picking better snacks, small changes can help you create lasting change.

Good nutrition can help you manage weight, have more energy, and live longer. Healthy diets can include a variety of fruits and veggies, lean proteins, healthy fats, or high fiber carbohydrates. If you’re making changes, try focusing focus on healthy food choices you enjoy, instead of focusing on a list of foods you're trying to avoid.

1. Add variety to your diet

Try experimenting with different foods to get the nutrients your body needs. Some diets may reduce your risk of serious health conditions, such as:

2. Eat at home more often

At home, you can cook healthier meals and save money. Start by planning meal options every week. Meal planning can make grocery shopping easier too. Go to the store with a list of what you need for the week. If you stick to purchasing items on your list, you may spend less money while improving your health. The MOVE! program's Veteran Workbook and the Food and Activity Log can help you get started with meal planning. 

Find meal planning resources on the MOVE! website

3. Cut back on sugar

It's no secret that too much sugar can cause weight gain, but it can also cause tooth decay, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and other health conditions. Here are a few ways to limit your sugar intake:

  • When shopping, read food labels and limit items with added sugars

  • Choose non-sugar sweeteners

  • Choose sugar-free beverages

  • Choose fruit instead of cookies or other high sugar foods

  • Reduce the sugar in recipes by 1/3 or 1/2

4. Have better snacks at home

It's common to snack more when you are bored. Have healthy snacks on hand that are easy to grab. Try these video recipes for snacks that are high in fiber and protein.

Peanut butter banana oat bites

Chocolate banana oat cookies

5. Find support for your goals

Do you struggle to stay on pace with your goals? Talk to your family or friends and ask them to help you. Creating a support group is a great way to feel connected while helping each other be healthier.

You may want to talk to your care team using Secure Messaging before changing your diet. It'll take some time to turn these steps into habits but developing healthy practices can help you achieve your goals. With commitment, you'll see some positive changes soon.

Learn more about Secure Messaging

6. Keep track with My HealtheVet

If you're concerned that you overeat, try tracking your food intake using My HealtheVet's Food Journal. This tool makes it easier to pay attention to the amount of food you're eating and when. Print it out as part of a Blue Button report.

Go to Food Journal

Learn more about Blue Button reports

Sign in to manage your health care

In 2025, you'll need to use a or account to sign in to My HealtheVet and other VA tools. 

Sign in or create an account

You must be a VA patient to access some parts of your VA health record.  If you’re not enrolled in VA health care, you can apply now. 

Learn how to apply for VA health care

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