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Get Back to Sleep

Path to Better Sleep helps Veterans treat insomnia

If you're a Veteran and have trouble falling or staying asleep, you're not alone. Almost half of the Veterans currently enrolled in VA Health Care have insomnia. It affects every part of your life including your physical and mental health. Insomnia's symptoms can be so tough that you may be ready to try anything to fall asleep. Finding a treatment that works can be hard because sleep disorders can be difficult to diagnose. VA created Path to Better Sleep to help you improve your sleep from the convenience of your own home.

What is Path to Better Sleep?

The Path to Better Sleep program was created specifically for Veterans. It's completely free, anonymous, and mobile-friendly. The online tools use leading sleep therapy CBT-i (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia) to help retrain your brain to get a full night's rest. CBT-i is proven to be more effective than medication.

Why Path to Better Sleep?

Path to Better Sleep helps you change your sleep patterns and reduce unhelpful thoughts and behaviors. It also features a Sleep Check-up Tool that can help you sort your symptoms and access more information on healthy sleeping habits.

What other features does Path to Better Sleep offer?

The self-directed program includes:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-i)

  • A Sleep Check-up Tool to help you understand your sleep problems

  • A Sleep Diary to track sleep

  • Videos and information on sleep disorders like Sleep Apnea

  • Downloadable fact sheets

Where can I access the Path to Better Sleep course?

Visit Path to Better Sleep to start improving your sleep. No registration is required. Access the free resources at any time and place that is convenient for you. You can also schedule an appointment through My HealtheVet if you’d like to discuss insomnia with your care team. 

Learn more about managing appointments on My HealtheVet

Sign in to manage your appointments

In 2025, you'll need to use a or account to sign in to My HealtheVet and other VA tools. 

Sign in or create an account

You must be a VA patient to access some parts of your VA health record. If you’re not enrolled in VA health care, you can apply now. 

Learn how to apply for VA health care

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Read more

Tips to Sleep Better

A Good Night's Sleep (National Institute on Aging)

Counseling for Insomnia (PDF)

Updated February 5, 2025