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Make a Diabetes Plan Fit for Your Life

Try a new approach to take control of your diabetes

A medical profession reviews health information with a Veteran.Living with diabetes takes planning. It's important to stay active and choose a diabetic-friendly diet.

Whole Health can help you take these steps to manage your diabetes. Whole Health is VA’s approach to care that focuses on what matters to you, like your personal needs and goals. Find the right exercises and healthy eating habits for you.

Exercise and diabetes

Activity lowers blood sugar—it helps your body use insulin to turn food into energy. It can also help you maintain a healthy weight. To help manage diabetes, aim for activity a few times a week.

Finding a new exercise routine can be hard. You don’t have to start by running 10 miles. Marine Corps Veteran Richard Fratarelli began by walking less than a quarter mile. By sticking to his Whole Health plan, he worked up to losing 70 pounds and walking a 5k race.

Like Fratarelli, you can use Whole Health to set SMART goals for your exercise. Whole Health can help you make a plan that considers where you’re at now and your goals for the future.

Food and Whole Health

Trying to understand diabetic-friendly food choices can be overwhelming. Whole Health teaches you where to start, and how food choices impact your overall health. Understanding the difference between healthy and unhealthy carbs can also help you manage your diabetes.

Your VA doctor can help

If you’re thinking about making changes to your exercise routine or diet, talk with your doctor. They can guide you and help decide which choices make sense for you. Use My HealtheVet to send your health care team a secure message and discuss the next steps for your Whole Health journey.

You can also track your progress by logging your food and activity in My HealtheVet's online journals. These records can help you stay on track.

Learn more about messages on My HealtheVet

Learn more about health journals on My HealtheVet

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In 2025, you'll need to use a or account to sign in to My HealtheVet and other VA tools. 

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You must be a VA patient to access some parts of your VA health record. If you’re not enrolled in VA health care, you can apply now. 

Learn how to apply for VA health care

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