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Wellness Reminders - Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What are My HealtheVet Wellness Reminders?

  2. A Wellness Reminder lets you know that according to current guidelines and recommendations for good care, it is time to do something like have a test or examination done. This online feature lets VA patients view their VA Wellness Reminder and helps you partner with your VA healthcare provider in monitoring your health. Users can view their Wellness Reminder in the Get Care section of their My HealtheVet account. Some Reminders are for everyone, and some Reminders are specific to patients with known risks. Click on this link to see the Wellness Reminder descriptions that VA patients can view.

  3. What are patient requirements for viewing Wellness Reminders in My HealtheVet?

  4. To view Wellness Reminders, veterans must be a registered as a VA patient on the My HealtheVet website and complete the In-Person Authentication (IPA) process. In-Person Authentication requires VA patients to provide valid, government issued photo identification (veteran identification card, driver's license or other government issued photo identification) to an authorized VA staff member at their VA facility and sign a Release of Information form. VA patients are also required to watch a brief video that can be viewed online. In-Person Authentication may be done at any VA Medical Center and at many Community Based Outpatient Clinics (CBOCs).


The summary information includes due date, type of Wellness Reminder, last completed date, and name and location of the VA facility sending the reminder. The detailed information includes a description of the Wellness Reminder and links to other websites (such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) which provide additional health information.

My HealtheVet is a secure website. The VA follows strict security policies and practices to make sure that your personal health information is safe and protected.

Yes, you may change the way you view Wellness Reminders by selecting your preferred VA facility(s) from which Wellness Reminders are displayed. The first time you log on, the default setting is that all your VA locations are selected. You can make a change to the selection and unselect VA facilities of your choice. You must select at least one VA location to receive Wellness Reminders.

No, you can complete a Wellness Reminder at any preferred VA facility or non-VA healthcare provider. If you do complete a Wellness Reminder at another VA facility or at a non-VA facility, let your VA provider know.

If you are a patient at more than one VA facility, you may receive duplicate Wellness Reminders. Please notify your VA provider if any Wellness Reminders have been completed. They can enter the information into your medical record so the duplicate Wellness Reminders will stop.

Yes, you can view past Wellness Reminders that have been completed.

To view your completed Wellness Reminders:

No, you will not receive an email notification of your Wellness Reminders.

Yes, you can print both a summary and detailed view of your Wellness Reminders.

Contact your VA healthcare team if you have any questions related to your care or the status of your Wellness Reminders.

The My HealtheVet Help Desk will assist you. Simply complete the Contact Us form to send an inquiry to the My HealtheVet Help Desk, who will respond to your problem within three (3) business days.

  1. How do I access My HealtheVet Wellness Reminders?

    • Login to your My HealtheVet account

    • Click on the Get Care tab

    • Click on the Wellness Reminders tab

  2. What are the benefits of using My HealtheVet Wellness Reminders?

    • Alerts you to important tests, examinations or other medical procedures that you should schedule to protect your health

    • Helps you remember important health information

    • Allows you to be more involved in your own healthcare

    • Allows you to view your VA health Wellness Reminders

    • Provides you with detailed Wellness Reminders information

    • Provides health information to help you understand your Wellness Reminders

    • Allows you to share your Wellness Reminders with non-VA healthcare providers

  3. What Wellness Reminders will I be able to view?

  4. You will be able to view the following types of health Wellness Reminders from your VA treatment facility(s) if they apply to you:

    • Colorectal cancer screen

    • Influenza (Flu)

    • Pneumococcal (Pneumonia)

    • Hypertension (High blood pressure)

    • LDL control (Cholesterol)

    • Lipid measure (Cholesterol)

    • Body Mass Index

    For people with diabetes:

    • Diabetes foot exam

    • Diabetes hemoglobin A1c

    • Diabetes retinal exam

    For women:

    • Cervical cancer screen

    • Mammogram screen

  5. What information is provided in a Wellness Reminder?

  6. Is the My HealtheVet Wellness Reminders information protected, secure, and private?

  7. Can I change the way I view Wellness Reminders?

  8. To update your Wellness Reminder Preferences:

    • Login to your My HealtheVet account

    • Click on the Get Care tab

    • Click on the Wellness Reminders tab

    • Click on the Go to Reminders Preferences link

    • Under "Locations", select one or more preferred VA facility(s)

    • Click on "Save Preferences"

  9. Do I have to complete a Wellness Reminder at the facility specified on the list?

  10. How should I handle duplicate Wellness Reminders from multiple facilities?

  11. Can I view past Wellness Reminders that have been completed?

    • Login to your My HealtheVet account

    • Click on the Get Care tab

    • Click on the Wellness Reminders tab

    • Click on the Go to Completed Wellness Reminders link

  12. Will I receive an email notification of my Wellness Reminders?

  13. Can I print my Wellness Reminders?

  14. From either the Wellness Reminder Summary or Detail screen view:

    • Click on the Printer Friendly link which displays a printer-friendly view

    • Click on the Print link

    • Click on the Done link to return to the previous screen

  15. What should I do if I have any questions about my Wellness Reminders?

  16. Who do I contact if I have a technical problem with the Wellness Reminders feature?