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Wellness Reminders - Complete Summary

Wellness Reminders Button - This page provides a list of your completed Wellness Reminders.

When the page appears, an icon and one of the following messages will display at the top of the page:

Blue Warning TriangleWe are updating your Wellness Reminder information...
Updates to your data are still in progress.
Please refresh this screen or check back later.

This icon and message appear when the system is retrieving wellness reminders from your VA electronic medical record. Depending on the number of reminders pulled, this process may take several minutes. You may click the Refresh button to update the page with the most recent reminders.

Green Warning TriangleYour Wellness Reminders information update is complete


This icon and message appear when the retrieval of your wellness reminders from your VA electronic medical record is complete.

Yellow Warning TriangleThe following Wellness Reminders are either due now or past due

This icon and message appear when there are one or more reminders that are past due or due now. If you are a patient at multiple VA facilities, you may receive duplicate reminders.

Note - Use the 'Go to Reminders Preferences' button at the bottom of the screen to select the VA facilities from which you want to view the reminders.

Yellow Warning TriangleUpdates from the following VA electronic medical records are temporarily unavailable

This icon and message appear when the system is unable to retrieve your wellness reminders from your VA electronic medical record.

No test records found

This message appears when no wellness reminders are found in your VA electronic medical record.

Wellness Reminder Summary

Reminders ListStatus - The current condition of the Wellness Reminder as 'RESOLVED' or 'COMPLETE'.

Due Date - The date the wellness reminder is due. If the actual date is unavailable, this field may display:

PAST DUE - If the wellness reminder is past due.
DUE NOW - If the wellness reminder is currently due.
DUE SOON - If the wellness reminder will be due soon.

Wellness Reminder - The name of the wellness reminder. Click on the name link to view the details of the wellness reminder.

Last Completed - The date the wellness reminder was completed.

Location - The name of the VA facility where the wellness reminder was created.

Shown at the top and bottom of the Wellness Reminder Summary table is the number of wellness reminders found. The Summary table is set to display up to ten (10) wellness reminders. If you have more than 10 wellness reminders, you can click the Number of rows to display per page link to move through your entire list.

Click the up/down arrow up/down arrow found on the blue navigation bar to sort the columns for Due Date, Wellness Reminder, Last Completed, or Location.

Reminders Preferences - Click this button located at the bottom left-hand corner of the page to update the list of locations to retrieve the Wellness Reminders.

Wellness Reminders - Click this button located at the bottom right-hand corner of the page to return to the main Wellness Reminders page.

Click on the Printer Friendly link located in the top right corner, to print an 8½ x 11 inch copy of your Wellness Reminders table.