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VA Support to Quit Smoking

VA can support you on your smokefree journey

A Veteran leaning against a wall in a VA facility while reading information on their phoneDid you know that 7 out of every 10 Veterans who smoke would like to quit? There are many good reasons to quit, including improved physical and mental health. But it can feel daunting to start, especially if you’ve tried to quit in the past. If you or a Veteran you know is ready to quit smoking, VA can help.

Together, medication and counseling are proven to give you the best chance of quitting successfully. You can talk to your provider about which options are right for you. It can also be helpful to know you’re not alone. VA offers support though a dedicated phone line and text message service. 

Support over the phone

VA’s free telephone quitline, 1-855-QUIT-VET, offers counseling to Veterans who receive health care through VA. Quit VET coaches are available between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. ET, Monday through Friday. 

Your coach may ask you questions about your tobacco use, past attempts to quit, and reasons you want to be tobacco-free. With that information, the two of you will create a personal quit plan that works for you.

When you speak with a Quit VET counselor, you can expect:

  • Your first call to last 15 to 30 minutes

  • To build a plan to help you successfully quit

  • Help with identifying strategies to tackle cravings and slips

  • At least 4 follow-up counseling calls, scheduled at your convenience

24/7 text message support

For additional support when cravings hit, subscribe to SmokefreeVET text messages. With our SmokefreeVET Text Message Program, you can sign up for text messages that offer 24/7 encouragement, advice, and tips to help you quit smoking and stay quit.

You can either text VET to 47848 or enroll at the SmokefreeVET website. For messages in Spanish, you can text VETesp to 47848 or sign up online. This 6- to 8-week program is only for Veterans enrolled in VA health care who are ready to quit tobacco. 

Next steps

When you’re ready to quit, send a Secure Message or schedule an appointment to talk to your health care provider about your options. For more information about the benefits of quitting and tips to help you quit, visit VA's Tobacco and Health webpage.

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Read More

Stay Smoke-free: Ways to Quit
Tobacco and Health (VA)
How to Quit (VA)
Build Your Quit Plan (SmokefreeVET)

Created November 17, 2023