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Don’t Quit Trying. Try Quitting

Become smoke-free with tips from VA

Veterans talking about how to quit using tobacco It isn’t easy to quit smoking. Whether you have tried once, twice, or 15 times, take the lessons you’ve learned and try quitting again. VA has effective treatment and support and will be with you every step of the way.

The Great American Smoke Out is on November 18. This is a great time to reach out to your VA health care provider. They’ll help you learn some tips on creating a tailored road map to get you smoke-free.

When you’re ready, we’re here

If you get winded while playing with your grandchildren, walking up and downstairs, or even grocery shopping, we encourage you to think about the positive impact that quitting smoking would have on your everyday lives.

When you’re ready to try life without smoking — even if you’ve tried to quit before — reach out to your doctor. They may recommend a combination of treatments to increase your chance of quitting for good, such as counseling along with FDA-approved prescription medications or nicotine-replacement gum, patches, and lozenges that can help you ease away from smoking.

They will work with you and help you find tobacco cessation resources and the treatment option that works best for you. You can call, text, have an in-person appointment, or have a telehealth visit for smoking cessation counseling. Here are a few other ways we can help you stop smoking:

  1. Call 1-855-QUIT-VET: You can speak to a tobacco cessation counselor between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday through Friday. Quit VET connects you to a counselor who can help develop a quit plan and provide ongoing counseling and support to prevent your returning to smoking. The number is: 1-855-784-8838

  2. Text messages from SmokefreeVET: Receive text messages with tips and tools to beat cravings. Next time you feel the urge to smoke, text VET to 47848.

  3. Learn about nicotine replacement therapy (NRT): NRT—like the nicotine patch, gum, and lozenge—is proven to increase your chances of quitting. Estimate your dosage and find tips for using NRT and Quit for Good with NRT.

  4. Get encouragement: Follow SmokefreeVET on Facebook for tips and inspiration from other Veterans.

  5. More help: Find VA resources on how to become a smoke-free Veteran and tips for quitting.

These are only a few resources to help you take the first step to give up smoking. Please sign in and talk to your VA health care provider via Secure Messaging to find out how they can help you succeed. Take a moment to imagine your life without smoking.

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Read More

How to Quit (VA)

Benefits of Quitting (SmokeFree.Gov)

COVID-19 Risks for People Who Smoke (National Institute on Drug Abuse)

Created November 10, 2021