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Manage Stress with Self-Guided Relaxation

Try this relaxation method for peace of mind and body

A person meditates in a dark room.Stress can negatively impact many areas of our health, both mental and physical. VA’s Whole Health approach can help you manage the way your mind and body react to stress. One way to do this is called autogenic training—a relaxation method that you can try at home. 

What is autogenic training?

Autogenic training uses the power of your mind to relax your body. The term autogenic means “coming from within.” This relaxation method helps you guide your body to feeling calmer and more relaxed. 

During an autogenic training session you’ll be asked to find a comfortable position, either sitting or lying down. Then you’ll close your eyes and slowly repeat certain phrases to help relax different areas of your body.

How can autogenic training help?

Research (published in Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback) shows autogenic training can help treat many health issues, including these:

  • Asthma

  • Depression and anxiety

  • High blood pressure

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

  • Sleep problems

  • Tension and migraine headaches

  • Unexplained pain

Practicing daily can help improve your overall health. And practicing before bed can even help you get a better night’s sleep. 

Are there any risks? 

In general, autogenic training is very safe. It may be less safe for patients who have severe mental illness. If you have a history of mental illness, you may want to talk with your primary care provider before trying it out. Autogenic training should not replace other treatments recommended by your health care team. 

How can I try autogenic training at home?

Try the following exercise to get a better sense of what an autogenic training session may feel like. If you run into any problems during this exercise, please talk to your health care team. 

Start by finding a quiet, comfortable place, and close your eyes. Take a few minutes to breathe deeply. Try to make your exhale longer than your inhale. Your breathing should feel comfortable and relaxing.

Then, start with the first set of phrases, and repeat each phrase 4 times, slowly. You should take about 5 seconds to say, “My right arm is heavy.” Pause for 3 seconds between each phrase. 

Set 1: Heavy 
My right arm is heavy. 
My left arm is heavy. 
Both of my arms are heavy. 
My right leg is heavy. 
My left leg is heavy. 
Both of my legs are heavy. 
My arms and my legs are heavy. 

Set 2: Warmth 
My right arm is warm. 
My left arm is warm. 
Both of my arms are warm. 
My right leg is warm. 
My left leg is warm. 
Both of my legs are warm. 
My arms and my legs are warm. 

Set 3: Calm Heart 
My arms are heavy and warm. 
My legs are heavy and warm. 
My arms and legs are heavy and warm. 
I feel calm. 
My heart feels warm and pleasant. 
My heartbeat is calm and regular. 

Set 4: Breathing 
My arms are heavy and warm. 
My legs are heavy and warm. 
My arms and legs are heavy and warm. 
I feel calm. 
My heartbeat is calm and regular. 
My breathing breathes me. 

Set 5: Stomach 
My arms are heavy and warm. 
My legs are heavy and warm. 
My arms and legs are heavy and warm. 
I feel calm. 
My heart feels calm and regular. 
My breathing breathes me. 
My stomach is soft and warm. 

Set 6: Cool Forehead 
My arms are heavy and warm. 
My legs are heavy and warm. 
My arms and legs are heavy and warm. 
I feel calm. 
My heartbeat is calm and regular. 
My breathing breathes me. 
My stomach is soft and warm. 
My forehead is cool.

To end the session, say, "Arms firm. Breathe deeply. Open eyes."

You may want to record the phrases so you can follow along without opening your eyes. You can also practice each set until you memorize them. 

How can VA help me practice these skills?

VA offers a variety of mental health resources. A VA mental health provider may be able to help you with autogenic training, or other relaxation techniques, or refer you to someone who can. There are also free and inexpensive mobile apps available that offer relaxation techniques, including autogenic training exercises. However, it's best to learn these techniques from a professional first. They can help you get the most out of the exercises and answer any questions. Once you learn the process, you can easily practice on your own.

Whole Health empowers Veterans to take charge of their well-being in all areas of life. Send a Secure Message to ask your health care team about relaxation techniques. Or you can ask to discuss your personal health goals to get started on your Whole Health journey.

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Created June 27, 2024