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PTSD and Your Brain

Learn more about their complex relationship

If you have post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD, it’s normal to wonder how it affects your brain. PTSD impacts parts of your brain, like the amygdala, prefrontal cortex, and hippocampus. It can add to stressful feelings and affect your fear response, clear thinking, decision-making, and memory.

Understanding how they work might help you find out what treatment is best for you. VA has a visual guide to explain a little better.

Connect with your care

My HealtheVet can help you manage your health and access your records. Veterans can talk with therapists, doctors, and other members of their health care team. If you have PTSD symptoms, it’s time to ask for help. With a Premium account, you can follow up with your doctor about your medications or treatment using  Secure Messaging.

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