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Get Help: Agent Orange

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Helicopter in the airDuring the Vietnam War, the U.S. military used Agent Orange, one of several tactical herbicides used to reduce vegetation and tree cover in Vietnam. It was also used in the Korean Demilitarized Zone, on Thai Air Force bases, at other locations, and on C-123 Aircraft. Years later, some Veterans experience health effects potentially related to Agent Orange.

Effects of Agent Orange

VA recognizes certain health conditions (known as presumptive conditions) as associated with Agent Orange exposure, including Parkinson's disease, Type 2 Diabetes, Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, and several forms of cancer.

The seventeen presumptive conditions are listed below:

Note: some conditions such as chloracne and peripheral neuropathy (early onset) have to occur within certain periods after possible Agent Orange exposure to be considered presumptive conditions. 

Benefits for children of Vietnam Veterans and other Veterans

VA also recognizes spina bifida in Veterans' children as associated with Agent Orange exposure. In such cases, VA may provide health care, disability compensation, and other assistance for children of Vietnam-era Veterans who served in Vietnam, Thailand, or the Korean demilitarized zone.

In addition, VA provides benefits for children of women Vietnam Veterans born with certain birth defects.

Track your health

By becoming a registered user of My HealtheVet, those affected by Agent Orange have access to the Track Health tool. Veterans can better manage their conditions by keeping track of their blood pressure, heart rate, cholesterol, and view lab or test results online. They can access and update their self-entered VA health records, then share this information with their health care team using the Blue Button report or a VA Health Summary.

Some of the tools available in Track Health are:

  • Vitals (blood pressure, blood sugar, weight, etc.)

  • Food and Activity Journals

  • Labs and Tests

  • Health History

Reach out and sign in

If you or a family member suffers from a health condition associated with Agent Orange, VA assistance may be available. VA offers the Agent Orange Registry Exam. This exam alerts Veterans to possible long-term health problems that may be related to Agent Orange exposure during their military service. You can also stay on top of your health by registering for a My HealtheVet account today and tracking your health care online.

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