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News and Updates from the Department of Veterans Affairs

VA has a variety of news and information channels for Veterans to keep up with important changes to Veteran benefits and policies. There are also a variety of channels to keep up with how other Veterans succeed and make the transition to civilian life. You can also keep up with your local medical center's activities on social media by following it on Facebook and Twitter.

  • Inside Veterans Health: Feature stories on how Veterans take advantage of health care from VA.

  • VA Youtube channel: VA offers health news and feature stories in entertaining and engaging videos.

  • VetData: The National Center for Veterans Analysis and Statistics (NCVAS) supports planning, analysis, and decision-making activities through the collection, validation, analysis, and dissemination of key statistics on the Veteran population and VA programs. Check out the most current data on Veterans.

  • Research: VA is one of the largest health research organizations in the world. Check out the latest news and developments from the Office of Research and Development.

  • VA News Releases: The official word on recent developments from the Office of Public and Intergovernmental Affairs.

Updated December 9, 2021