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My HealtheVet VA Problem List

The VA Problem List is a summary of your active health concerns in your official VA health record.

Your VA Problem List may be used to help you and your health care team make informed decisions about your health. Talk with them about the health issues on your VA Problem List. Let them know if you have questions about what is listed. Also let them know if you think something should be added. Using the VA Problem List to partner with your health care team helps you take charge of your health. Use it to better understand your health and learn ways to improve your health.

You can use the VA Blue Button to view, print, or download your VA Problem List. It can also be shared with your caregiver and/or non-VA provider. This can help them better understand your health.

Visit the VA Problem List's Frequently Asked Questions. This site has questions and answers that may help you understand more about the feature and how it can help.

General Information

*To get an upgraded Premium My HealtheVet account, you will need to go through authentication. VA verifies a Veterans' identity by this process. This is done before allowing access to their VA health record. To learn more, go to: Upgrading your My HealtheVet account through In-Person or Online Authentication.

Some information that comes from your VA health record may not be presented right away in My HealtheVet or your VA Blue Button. This is because your information may first need to be reviewed by a member of your VA health care team. Also, if needed, this gives your provider time to discuss your results with you before you view them in My HealtheVet.

Your VA Problem List contains active health problems your VA providers are helping you to manage. This information is available 36 hours after it has been entered. It may not contain active problems managed by non-VA health care providers. If you have any questions about your information please visit the Frequently Asked Questions or contact your VA health care team.

  1. VA Problem List is a section of the My HealtheVet Personal Health Record found under the VA Blue Button section. To access your VA Problem List, you must be a Veteran enrolled at a VA health care facility, be registered as a VA Patient in My HealtheVet, and have an *upgraded My HealtheVet Premium account.

  2. Viewing your VA Problem List in My HealtheVet is simple. It is easy to use, private, and secure. As long as you have Internet access, you can view it anytime from anywhere.

  3. Hold Periods for VA information


The Research Health section of My HealtheVet is where you can get health information, research a topic, and simply learn more about your health. Read about common conditions and VA health programs. Get answers to your health questions from trusted medical resources. My HealtheVet makes it easy to stay informed by bringing a wealth of information right to your fingertips.

Talk With Your Health Care Provider Your health care team is there to assist you with your health care needs. You can help by doing things to make your visits more productive. For example, a great deal of the information needed to make a diagnosis is based on your description of symptoms, recent changes, and your history. Do not be afraid to share that information during your visit.