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My HealtheVet VA Demographics

VA Demographics is the personal information in your official VA health record. This may include:

  • Name

  • Date of birth

  • Home address

  • Ethnicity

  • Employment

  • Civil Guardian

  • Social Security Number

  • Religion

  • Home phone number

  • Next of Kin

  • Insurance

  • Enrollment Group

  • Birth Sex

  • Marital status

  • Race

  • Eligibility

  • VA Guardian

Keep this information up-to-date so the VA can contact you. The correct Next of Kin information is needed in case of an emergency.

You can use the VA Blue Button to view, print, or download your VA Demographics information. Go to VA Demographics Frequently Asked Questions section to learn more. This section has questions and answers to most concerns.

General Information

  1. VA Demographics is a section of the My HealtheVet Personal Health Record found under the VA Blue Button section. To view your VA Demographics you must:

    *To get a My HealtheVet Premium account, you will need to go through authentication. This is a process by which VA verifies a Veterans' identity before allowing access to your VA health record. To learn more, go to: Upgrading your My HealtheVet account through In-Person or Online Authentication.

    • Be a Veteran enrolled at a VA health care facility

    • Be a registered as a VA Patient in My HealtheVet

    • Have a My HealtheVet Premium* account

  2. The information in your My HealtheVet Profile (under the Personal Information tab) and in VA Demographics may be different. Changing the information in your My HealtheVet Profile DOES NOT change the information in the official VA health record. To change your VA Demographics information:

Updated January 23, 2024